7 Tony Rice Licks in D

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7 Tony Rice Licks in D

A quick play through of 7 Tony Rice style bluegrass guitar licks in D with a follow along TAB.

One Trick in Playing in D

Any G lick you know you can play one string down! Just remember anything played on the G string also needs to be played one fret lower (because of the unique interval between strings 2 & 3)

Finding Patterns in D

It's important to find where certain intervals are in the scale. In D, the minor to major 3rd interval is on frets one to two of both E strings (1st string & 6th string). It's also from the 3rd to 4th fret of the D string. Knowing this can help you understand how licks are built and the effect they have.


Lick 5 is a good example, as it starts with a run between the minor to major 3rd:


Playing in D Major

Finally, it is important to note that every open string on guitar [EADGB(E)] is in the key of D major. So, while most of these 'Tony Rice' style licks utilize the flat 5, minor pentatonic (flat/minor 3rd), etc. keep in mind that any open string will 'work':

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